The Circus Street Blog

How to choose the platform with the best learner engagement

Written by Circus Street | Oct 24, 2022 8:00:00 AM

Learner engagement has the potential to make or break your training strategies. If your employees aren't engaged, the learnings aren't likely to take hold, resulting in wasted time, effort and money.

To help you tackle this problem, this blog outlines the top considerations when finding the right learner engagement platform and the benefits of engaged learners.


Map out your goals and compose a strategy

When looking for the best platform for learner engagement, you’ll first need to determine what is it you’re trying to achieve. Whether it’s digital upskilling, improving eCommerce knowledge or learning more about channel optimization, defining clear goals and strategies will help you along the way.

Once you’ve decided what you’re trying to achieve, you can then find the best learning platforms to help you reach your goals. Some platforms will be better at delivering a digital upskilling programe, whereas others may offer more personalized content, increasing learner engagement in the process.


The benefits of engaged learners 

In essence, engaged learners consume and remember more information, which in turn results in various benefits: 

  • Boost internal knowledge and digital literacy
  • Improve overall business performance
  • Achieve a strong ROI on your training investment
  • Motivate employees
  • Enhance digital skills
  • Stand out against the competition
  • Prepare for what the future might bring


Top considerations

To help you get started on your search for the best learning engagement platform, we've listed some top priorities you should consider when assessing available options.


1. Do they have a high completion rate

Completion rate is one of the key metrics used to determine learner engagement. The higher the completion stats, the more likely your learners will engage in the content and get the most out of it.


2.  Do they have custom content?

Custom content tailored to the learner's needs and goals is far more likely to have higher engagement stats and offer more benefits for your business. The best learner engagement platforms offer custom content that can be tailored however you see fit, so you can get the most out of your training budget and employees.


3. Do they offer the right courses?

There are so many digital training providers that it can be difficult to know where to start. Once you've outlined your needs and goals at the planning stage, you'll be able to find the courses that best suit these outcomes. Whether the platform offers a wide range of courses or specializes in a specific skill set may affect your company's learner engagement strategies.


4. Do they offer a free trial?

To really get a feel for a potential investment, it's worth finding out if the learner engagement platform offers a free trial. Walking through the content, the platform and the learning itself will help you decide whether it's of high quality and is engaging.


5. Do they audit your current processes?

The most thorough providers will offer to audit your current strategies or processes, allowing you to spot opportunities for enhanced engagement that might have been missed. The learning engagement platform can tailor the proposed programme to best meet your learning needs by auditing the processes.


6. Do they offer a reporting functionality?

You'll need to track, measure and report on learner engagement figures to prove that your learners are engaged. This will also indicate whether your platform is providing a strong ROI. Working with a platform that offers a reporting functionality will take out the guesswork and provide the information you need to monitor learner engagement.


Do the research

Once you've outlined your key goals and gathered a list of considerations, it's time to do the research. Look into the best providers, see who the big names have worked with, try out free trials and explore learning content to see which platform offers the best for learner engagement.

To help get you started, we have this helpful guide that takes you through the different types of providers, their processes, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of each.


Find out everything there is to know about learner engagement

Learner engagement is at the heart of any successful training strategy. Getting your employees engaged with the training helps them learn new skills quicker, retain information better and achieve more goals. To know more about learner engagement, why it's so crucial and the strategies for success, head to our learner engagement resource page.